Private Parking Lots
How is t2parking and private parking linked?
To make it easier to find and pay for parking spaces, we have expanded our services to include private parking lots. This allows T2Parking users to access these parking spaces and pay for their stay using our application.
For private parking lots, we have created the T2Parking Network, a system composed of parking lots that accept T2Parking as a payment method.
What is the purpose?
The primary purpose of this network is to offer our users additional parking options beyond public parking facilities. Secondly, we aim to generate demand and expand the business of each parking lot within our network.
To achieve this, any user who uses their cell phone to pay for parking in the cities where we operate will also be able to use it to pay for parking at any location within the T2Parking network.

This way, every available or rentable parking space in the network becomes a revenue opportunity for both parties: for the one who encouraged the user to download the T2Parking app, and for the parking space provider.
Since the T2Parking application is used as a payment method, integration from the parking lot’s perspective depends on its current management system. We have identified three types of operations: parking lots with installed barrier systems, parking lots with barrier-free management systems, and parking lots without any management system.
If the parking lot has a barrier system:
In this case, we integrate our system with the existing barrier system. The barrier systems we are currently integrated with include iParking, WPS, and SkyData. If the system is not already integrated, we assess the installed system and, if possible, proceed with the integration. In most cases, this integration comes at no cost to the parking lot.
How to achieve integration?
The tasks required for integration depend on how the entry and exit of vehicles are managed. There are generally two types of systems:
- Entry and exit with a ticket.
- Entry and exit with license plate recognition (or with a ticket if the license plate is not recognized).

How to pay for the private parking with T2Parking?

If the entry and exit is with license plate recognition?
If the parking system has integrated license plate recognition, the customer must first configure the desired payment method in the application for that specific parking lot. At that point, the license plate is added to a list of plates to be charged by T2Parking. The entry and exit process works as follows:
- When the customer enters, the vehicle's license plate is scanned.
- The system verifies whether the license plate is in the list of T2Parking enabled users.
- The entry barrier is lifted without issuing a ticket.
- When the vehicle exits, the system scans the license plate again.
- The customer is charged via T2Parking.
- The exit barrier is lifted.
If the entry and exit are ticketed?
To pay for parking with T2Parking, our application needs to know the duration of the vehicle’s stay. At the exit of the parking lot, the user scans the barcode on the ticket using their phone and the T2Parking app. From there, the following steps occur:
- The amount to be charged is retrieved using the scanned code.
- The transaction is processed using the payment method configured in T2Parking.
- The payment confirmation or rejection is sent to the parking system.
- If the payment is successful, the system instructs the barrier to lift.
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