T2Parking Support
Here you will have access to tutorials for using the CITIES paid parking management portal, making it easy to manage paid parking in any country.
Because managing paid parking has never been so easy!
1. How do I register in the T2Parking Cities portal?
2. How do I make the initial configurations in the Cities portal?
3. How do I add types of vehicles to manage them in the tariffed parking using Cities?
4. How to add and edit a zone in the tariffed parking using Cities?
5. How to configure rates and schedules in the Cities portal?
6. How to set up subscriptions for users of the Cities tariffed parking?
7. How do I set my preferred language in the Cities portal?
8. How to configure sensors for parking spaces in Cities?
9. How do I set up payment methods in Cities?
10. How do I configure distributors for tariffed parking sales with Cities?
11. Tutorial for parking sales distributors using Cities
12. How do I configure and manage inspectors with Cities?
13. How do I configure users to manage the Cities portal?
If you have any questions about any of the steps to follow, let us know!
We are here to help you.